Ok, we have something weird going on here. We have had periods of really good behavior and genuine happiness with Z. Some of those have been long and we thoroughly enjoy them. But the last few days have been different. She is absolutely devouring school tasks with her tutor. Her reading fluency is better. And she is choosing to read several books not the usual battle to get through one story. She's using a calculator to do math with ease, rather than an agonizing step by step process. She is staying with frustrating tasks to the end without behavior. She is asking to do things that are typically hard for her, like working with the clock. She is grasping new things like learning about plurals and opposites. She is taking in new signs from the tutor and using more language. She told Dave tonight that "Riley was sitting on .the bed" and he understood her! This evening she started singing "5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed", she has not done that since she was 6 or 7 years old. Those kinds of things have disappeared for her.
She climbed up on the high bar at the gym while the coach and I were chatting and was ready to do a flip up there. We only had to spot her. She is swimming under water in our pool. She's actually skating on one foot and tried to do a spiral and a lunge on her own this week. She's mastered making her own breakfast including using the microwave.
Weird, right! I have always spent alot of time thinking about what we can do for Z. This time is no different. Do I dare hope that it's a real change or will I be "blindsided" yet again. So I ask, is this a strange phenomenon of the stars aligning just right? Or an unusual firing of synapses happening just right? I think of all the possible reasons like: I stopped the PANDAS meds because we had seen no change and they were making her nauseous. I increased a couple medications slightly. She has been on the folic acid med for about 6 weeks now. Or Aunt Trish is really sitting on Z's shoulder. I'm open to any and all thoughts. You have to think out of the box with Z.
As always, time will tell. For now, we are loving every minute of our precious girl.