There is always so much chaos surrounding Z that I have to make myself note the touching and funny things she does. This week she was trying to tell me that she "farted". It answered my question about, what does a fart sound like to a deaf person? Now I know, Z held her nose, pointed to her bottom and said "woo woo". It was hard not to laugh, she didn't quite have to noise right but it was such a kid thing to do!
We were waiting is in line yesterday to get lab work done, it was a long line, everyone lined up outside the lab door. An elderly man who looked very frail and sick came in with his daughter and people made room so he could sit down to wait. Z went up to him to shake his hand ( she does that all the time, sort of a mini - Walmart greeter) and I explained that she was deaf because he was trying to chat with her and called her back to wait with me. She patted his shoulder as she walked back and he said "I'll remember you for the rest of my life". The woman behind me started to cry. Z has those moments of compassion that touch so many.
Reminds me of Christmas Mass when she dropped my hand during the Lord's Prayer and walked over to an elderly man across the aisle and took his hand. He was very tall so the contrast of this little girl in her red, satin Christmas dress looking up at him was a picture. There was lots of "aahh's" and after Mass a man said to me that what Z had done "made his whole evening special".
That's our girl, she has this compassionate side that is so touching and spontaneous that you just have to love her!
So true...indeed. She is an Angel in Disguise